Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 20, 2024


FAO book addresses land and water shortage

WASHINGTON, Nov. 28- Three challenges face the land and water resources upon which agriculture relies – to increase food production by almost 70 percent by 2050; to reduce hunger and improve livelihoods for the poorest; and to minimize or mitigate degradation of land and water and of the broader ec
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Joint Committee fails, Farm Bill continues

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21– The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction announced its failure today to reach a compromise on how to reduce $1.2 trillion from the federal deficit. House and Senate Agriculture Committee leaders developed a proposal for the “super” committee that would save $23 billion.
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WTO says COOL rules discriminate

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 – The World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled today that U.S. country of origin labeling (COOL) requirements provided less favorable treatment to Canadian and Mexican livestock. The panel also determined that the U.S. COOL requirements must include clearer labeling information to
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Ban on horse slaughter lifted in ag appropriations bill

Washington, D.C. – A provision allowing for the restoration of USDA-sponsored inspections of horse processing facilities is included in the conference report for the Appropriations bill passed in the House of Representatives tonight. The bill sets the 2012 budgets for multiple departments, includin
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