Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 07, 2024


President Donald Trump

Trump signs off on China tariffs despite ag fears of retaliation

President Donald Trump today signed off on a plan to punish China for years of stealing intellectual property by imposing about $60 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese goods. The move came despite a growing chorus of warnings from Capitol Hill and farm groups that China will retaliate by taxing or blocking U.S. agricultural goods.
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Summit Panel Discussion

Ag sector worries Trump tariffs, tactics may spark trade war with China

The U.S. ag sector, already reeling from depressed prices, understands the White House’s desire to punish trade abuses by countries like China, but there is a growing fear that President Donald Trump’s aggressive tactics and rhetoric are threatening overseas markets, according to farm and trade officials speaking today at an Agri-Pulse forum.
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President Donald Trump and Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue

Trump using steel, aluminum tariffs as leverage for NAFTA deal

President Donald Trump’s plan to slap steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports isn’t just a way to prop up domestic producers – his ag secretary says it’s also leverage he’s going to use to get Canada and Mexico to agree to U.S. demands in the ongoing negotiations to rewrite the North American Free Trade Agreement.
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