Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 06, 2024


Brahma Cattle

US lifts ban on Brazilian beef

The U.S. has lifted its ban on Brazilian beef after shutting out the product more than two years ago because of repeated sanitary and health violations, according to USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service.
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President Donald Trump

Trump promises 'aid will be provided' if farmers need it

Tweet follows USDA forecast of lagging Chinese imports
President Donald Trump announced Friday via Twitter that he is open to doling out billions of dollars in a third trade assistance package for farmers because of implementation delays in trade deals such as the "phase one" pact with China.
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Capitol Building

Democrats demand publication of tariff report

The Trump administration continues to argue that it can use the threat of auto tariffs as a tool in negotiating trade agreements, but House Democrats are demanding that the Commerce Department report that supposedly justifies the threat be released publicly.
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World Trade Organization

US lays out list of WTO complaints

The Trump administration has laid out a lengthy list of its complaints and demands for changes in the World Trade Organization’s appellate body five months ahead of the WTO’s twelfth ministerial meeting that will be held in Kazakhstan.
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Trump and Xi Jinping

China to cut tariffs for some US ag commodities

China’s Finance Ministry announced Thursday that on Feb. 14 it will cut tariff rates on $75 billion worth of U.S. products, including some ag commodities such as soybeans, chicken, pork, oranges and asparagus, but the impact is expected to be minimal.
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