Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Articles by Bill Tomson

US - China flags

US lawmakers look to trade to counter China’s strength

Lawmakers, lobbyists and farm groups are anxious for the Biden administration to take its first concrete steps to begin negotiating international trade agreements and reform at the World Trade Organization to improve international access for U.S. goods as well as rein in China’s expanding global influence.
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Tom Vilsack

Daybreak April 23: Vilsack defends planned CRP expansion

The nation’s largest farm group is calling on the White House to clarify President Joe Biden’s goal of conserving 30% of U.S. land by 2030.

“The concerns of farmers and ranchers are escalating regarding the intent of the 30x30 goal, the definition of conservation, and the metrics for defining success, among other things,” the American Farm Bureau Federation says in a letter to the White House.

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China’s corn imports seen hitting new record high

China's corn imports will likely hit a record-breaking 28 million metric tons for the 2020-2021 marketing year as the country restocks its domestic reserves and deals with rising demand for livestock feed, according to the Beijing office of USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service.
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Green Farmland

Daybreak April 21: Ag climate bill sets stage for climate action

The last time a Democratic administration tried to pass climate legislation, in 2009, the bill died in the Senate partly because of resistance from farm groups. This year, one of the first significant climate bills a congressional committee is going to vote on is a measure backed by farm groups – the Growing Climate Solutions Act, which is aimed at facilitating the development of ag carbon markets.

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US signals a turn to the green on trade and asks world to follow

The U.S. was one of nine countries critical of the European Union last year when it unveiled a plan to tax imports based on their carbon footprint, but that was under the Trump administration. Now the Biden administration is signaling a stronger kinship to the EU’s push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on an international scale.
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