Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 06, 2024

Articles by Bill Tomson

Sonny Perdue and Mike Pence

Hurricane Michael devastates Southern crops

Officials estimate Hurricane Michael caused billions of dollars in damage to crops, livestock and aquaculture after slamming into the Florida Panhandle Wednesday with 155 mile-per-hour winds and then plowing a path of destruction through Alabama and Georgia.
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What's in, what's out of the new USMCA for US ag

The biotech portion of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement is just one example of several new ag provisions that were added during the overhaul of the North American Free Trade Agreement – NAFTA 2.0 as some are calling it - over the past year of negotiations.
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Tariffs sour NAFTA deal for cheese makers

The successful renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement could turn out to be a hollow victory for some of the largest U.S. cheese companies if the Trump administration doesn’t pull back its steel and aluminum tariffs on Mexico.
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President Donald Trump

Trump doubles down on tariffs

The president revealed this week he has no intention of backing off the use of tariffs – not even with allies Mexico and Canada, who are retaliating with tariffs of their own on billions of dollars of U.S. agricultural goods.
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NAFTA flags

Pressure mounts for NAFTA deal with Canada

Yet another deadline is looming for U.S. and Canadian negotiators this week as they struggle to find compromises for a deal to make the North American Free Trade Agreement whole again and avert the unknown territory of trying to convert a three-party pact into a two-party accord.
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Korean market

US, South Korea sign off on free trade agreement

President Donald Trump and South Korea President Moon Jae-in today signed off on the renegotiated United States–Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS), putting an end to concerns from the U.S. farm sector about possibly losing the six-year old pact that has spurred American agricultural exports.
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