Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 05, 2024

Articles by Bill Tomson

Donald Trump and Boris Johnson

Ag issues central in US-UK trade talks

U.S. farm groups are looking for big wins as U.S. negotiators push the U.K. to abandon European barriers to agricultural trade in the countries' first round of trade talks, according to industry officials aware of the proceedings.
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African agriculture

Could Kenya FTA open new biotech potential in Africa?

Anti-biotech activists and sentiment are entrenched throughout Africa, but U.S. farm groups and businesses are hoping a free trade agreement with Kenya will help the country break through its GMO barriers and provide an example to other nations of what the science can do for farmers and food security.
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Container ship

China keeps pace in US ag purchases

China snapped up another 136,000 metric tons of 2019-20 U.S. soybeans this week, according to a USDA announcement Tuesday, showing the country is not letting up on purchases that go toward meeting its promises under the “phase one” trade agreement.
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