Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 20, 2024

Articles by Daniel Enoch

Watchdog cites management 'challenges' facing USDA

The USDA’s Office of Inspector General has filed its annual report on management challenges the department is facing, and topping the list of 11 challenges is how to coordinate the efforts of the various agencies and programs that provide oversight of key mission areas.
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Incentives for states may boost SNAP fraud detection

State officials might improve their record in detecting fraud in USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) if financial incentives were provided that would help support the costs of investigation, according to the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO).
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Corn crop seen at record 14.032 billion bushels

The U.S. corn crop will reach a record 14.032 billion bushels, up from 13.86 billion forecast a month ago and the previous record of 13.925 billion in 2013, USDA said today in a monthly report. Yields were projected at 167.4 bushels per acre, the highest ever, compared with 158.8 bushels last year.
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Cargill 4th quarter earnings fall 12 percent

Cargill Inc. said net earnings for its fiscal fourth quarter fell 12 percent from a year earlier, to $424 million. The company cited weaker economic conditions in some countries and the negative impact of a change in Venezuela’s effective currency exchange rates.
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