Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 20, 2024

Articles by Daniel Enoch

Tom Vilsack

Trump urged to retaliate against Canada for ‘protectionist’ dairy policy

WASHINGTON, April 5, 2017 – The U.S. dairy industry is asking the Trump administration to get tough with Canada. The National Milk Producers Federation, the U.S. Dairy Export Council and the International Dairy Foods Association today urged the White House to take action against Canada for “slamming the door to American dairy exports in violation of existing trade commitments between the two nations.”
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Planting soybeans

Cotton, soy plantings to rise; corn, wheat to fall, USDA forecasts

WASHINGTON, March 31, 2017 – U.S. cotton farmers are planning to sow 12.2 million acres this year, up 21 percent from last year, USDA said today. The estimate is also up from the 11.5 million planted acres the department predicted in February. Projections for most other major crops, including corn, soybeans and wheat, hewed closely to the February estimates.
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(Photo: Bo Rader, The Wichita Eagle,

Wildfires take toll on humans, livestock in central US

WASHINGTON, March 8, 2017 – Ranchers in the central U.S. are trying to assess the damage from wildfires that roared across more than a million acres of prime cattle country since the weekend, mostly in Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado. At least six people were killed and the livestock losses could reach into the millions of dollars.
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Fuels America shuns RFA over stance on rumored White House plan

WASHINGTON, March 2, 2017 -- Fuels America, a coalition of biofuels advocates, says it has “severed ties” with the Renewable Fuels Association, accusing the group of siding with billionaire investor and refinery owner Carl Icahn in a plan – denied by the White House -- that would “permanently destabilize the Renewable Fuel Standard.”
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