Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 27, 2024

Articles by Marshall Matz

Hillary on Agriculture

While agriculture, like many other issues, has been overshadowed in the presidential campaign this year, if you look closely there is evidence on how Secretary Clinton would approach agriculture policy and rural America:
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African agriculture seizes the moment

Last week, 2,000 delegates convened at the United Nations in Nairobi, Kenya with the singlePminded passion to scale up African agriculture. The African Green Revolution Forum (the Forum) included heads of state (and former heads of state), the African Union&
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The Bridger-Teton National Forest

For almost thirty years, August has meant returning to Jackson, Wyoming, the Grand Teton National Park, the Bridger-Teton National Forest and the Yellowstone ecosystem. It is fishing, hiking, photography, reading under the aspens, the Grand Teton Music Festi
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Crop Insurance: Priority #1

No matter who wins this November`s presidential election, one of the first items facing a new Secretary of Agriculture will be developing a 2018 Farm Bill, a process sure to begin early in 2017. As we start that effort, its worth noting that for all its rich diversity, Amer
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The Global Food Security Act

The Global Food Security Act is intended to make the @Feed the Future@ program a permanent program, locked into statute. It is on the goal line in Congress thanks to bipartisan leadership and cooperation between both Agriculture Committees and the two Foreign Relations Committees
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George McGovern: My Turn

Every election year, former Senator George McGovern (SD), the 1972 Democratic Nominee for President, seems to find his way back into the news, and this one, 2016, more than most. Comparisons come up routinely between McGovern`s 1972 campaign against the Viet
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Genetic Labeling: Take #2

The State of Vermont has passed a statute mandating the labeling of genetically engineered foods as of July 1, 2016. Other states have considered and are considering similar legislation. The U.S. House of Representatives has passed legislation to preempt all state legislation
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