Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 26, 2024


Ozone standard stirring concerns in agriculture

Most of the criticism of the Obama administration`s environmental agenda has been focused on its effort to reduce carbon emissions from power plants and its proposed Clean Water Act rule, but a proposal to tighten limits for ozone is also stirring some concern in the agriculture and energy
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TPA tops GOP leaders' list of trade priorities

Lawmakers are getting ready to put in place a critical piece of President Barack Obamas trade agenda. Bills to grant the president Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) are expected to be dropped in the House and Senate sometime after Congress returns after this weeks recess.
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More trade bills to keep an eye on

The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) is the top priority for many, but it is isnt the only trade bill the business community would like to see the new Congress deal with. Congress also is overdue to write a new miscellaneous tariff bill (MTB).
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