Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 15, 2024


Backers of food aid reform vow to push forward

The Obama administrations effort to shift more international food aid away from U.S. commodities is struggling to gain any traction on the Hill, despite some success in the farm bill and strong support from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Part of the reason may be the st
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Roberts presses USDA to send out ARC, PLC payments

Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts is pushing USDA to get the new farm payments out the door to producers. The Farm Service Agency is required- starting this month- to send farmers the payments theyre owed for the 2014 crop year on the new Agriculture Revenue Coverage (A
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Ryan pressed to take speakership, Conaway mulls race

House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan was under heavy pressure from colleagues to run for speaker as Republicans prepared to break for a week-long recess with no other obvious option. House Agriculture Chairman Mike Conaway, R-Texas, is among several other Republicans who are
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Obama courts ag, industry groups for TPP push

For all the battles that the Obama administration and agriculture have waged in recent years, the White House wasted no time making it clear how important agriculture will be to President Obamas economic legacy - congressional approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
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