Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, July 14, 2024


Agri-Pulse Daybreak for October 12, 2016

Wikileaks, John Podesta, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, GMO labeling, Gary Hirshberg, Senator Bernie Sanders, Chairman Pat Roberts, World Food Prize conference, Global Food Security Act
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for Oct. 7, 2016

Citrus Growers, Florida, Citrus, Grapefruit, Florida Citrus Commission, Andrew Meadows, Florida Citrus Mutual, Peter Singer, HSUS, NRCS, CSP, USDA Inspector General, Wheat Growers APH exclusion, Global Food Prices, UN Food and Agriculture Org
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for Oct. 6, 2016

Donald Trump, American Farm Bureau Federation, Paul Wenger, Hillary Clinton, Larry Wooten, HSUS, Mike Markarian, HSUS Legislative Fund, Protect the Harvest, Forrest Lucas, White House Kitchen Garden, First Lady Michelle Obama, Let's Move
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak Oct. 5, 2016

Mike Pence, Tim Kaine, Russia, Syria, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Immigration Policy, Obama administration, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Tom Wolf, First Lady Michelle Obama, White House Kitchen Garden, ARC payments, PLC coverage
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for Oct. 4, 2016

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Kevin Brady, Orrin Hatch, Michael Froman, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, USDA, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Purdue University, America the Bountiful Initiative, New World Screwworm
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