Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, July 14, 2024


Agri-Pulse Daybreak for Feb. 1, 2017

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1, 2017 - President Trump has followed through on his promise to pick a nominee for the Supreme Court with solid conservative credentials. And his pick, Denver-based appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch, is going to be especially attractive to people who believe that regulatory agencies have overreached their legislative authority.
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Tom Vilsack

Vilsack: Dairy industry needs to reassure Mexico

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1, 2017 - Former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is raising concerns that President Donald Trump’s aggressive trade rhetoric is unsettling U.S. agricultural importers and that his restrictions on regulations could impede the implementation of the new GMO disclosure law.
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for January 31, 2017

WASHINGTON, Jan. 31, 2017 - White House spokesman Sean Spicer is calling a new executive order the most significant action against overregulation since 1981. The order would bar agencies from finalizing any new rules during the rest of the 2017 fiscal year that would impose higher costs on the economy.
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for January 27, 2017

WASHINGTON, Jan. 27, 2017 - President Donald Trump has thrown another curve ball to Congress on tax reform and trade. As he flew back to Washington yesterday from a speech in Philadelphia at the congressional GOP retreat, his spokesman raised the idea of paying for the wall with Mexico with a 20-percent tax on imports.
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budget watch

Trump budget being watched for attacks on USDA programs

WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2017 - President Donald Trump’s team has been plotting to use his first budget plan to make a case that he’s serious about cutting spending and weeding out programs considered unnecessary. Word leaked just ahead of the president’s inauguration that advisers were developing proposals based on...
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Crop insurance, SNAP cost projections fall sharply

WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2017 - Defenders of farm and nutrition programs are going to like the latest budget projections from the Congressional Budget Office. They show the costs of crop insurance and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program dropping sharply over the coming years.

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Trump stalls livestock marketing rule

WASHINGTON, Jan. 21, 2017 - The Trump administration has delayed a new Agriculture Department rule that sets standards of proof for livestock and poultry producers who believe they have been harmed by processors' business practices.
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