Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Perdue at House Ag Approps hearing 4-9-19

Perdue signals flexibility on SNAP, defends agency moves

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue suggested to lawmakers that his department could soften the definition of able-bodied adults who are subject to food stamp work requirements, but he declined to budge from a USDA reorganization plan to relocate two research agencies out of the nation's capital.
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Iowa flooding

Disaster bill expanding, but future cloudy

The Senate is expanding a long-stalled disaster assistance bill to aid farmers and ranchers swamped by recent Midwest floods, but it’s still not clear when Congress will pass the legislation due to a dispute between the White House and House Democrats over funding for Puerto Rico.
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Romaine lettuce filed in Salinas valley

FDA reworking ag water rules

More than eight years after Congress passed the Food Safety Modernization Act, the Food and Drug Administration, industry and outside scientists are still struggling to figure out the best way to ensure the water used for irrigating and packing fresh produce is safe.
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No-till planting into a cover crop

Carbon projects offer lessons for farmers, lawmakers

Climate change and regulation of greenhouse gases are hot topics in Washington again, and Democratic presidential candidates are pledging to make them major issues in the 2020 election. That’s raising questions for the first time in a decade about the role that farmers could be asked to play in reducing carbon emissions, and how growers could benefit.
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