Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, July 13, 2024

Articles by Philip Brasher

House Democrats set attacks on GMO bill

Critics of a GMO regulation bill are proposing amendments that would add restrictions or exemptions to the legislation and allow farmers to claim government compensation for some damages from herbicide drift or in some cases of contamination by genetically engineered plants.
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Panel OKs GMO salmon labeling, ban on horse slaughter

A ban on horse slaughter would be extended another year and genetically engineered salmon would have to be labeled as GMO under provisions that have been added to a Senate spending bill for the Agriculture Department and Food and Drug Administration. The Senate Appropriations Committee also a
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Treaty on product names angers lawmakers

Recent changes to an international agreement on intellectual property will undermine the U.S. dairy industry�s effort to use common food names such as parmesan and feta, say leaders of key congressional committees. In a letter to the World Intellectual Property O
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