Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, July 13, 2024

Articles by Philip Brasher

Senate panel clears child-nutrition agreement

A bipartisan agreement to end the years-long fight over school nutrition standards and expand summer feeding efforts is on what its authors hope is a fast track to becoming law. The Senate Agriculture Committee approved the five-year Improving Child Nutrition Integrity and Ac
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Obama vetoes anti-WOTUS measure

President Obama delivered an expected veto of a congressional resolution that would kill the administration@s @waters of the United States@ rule redefining the jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act.
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Vilsack praises Senate nutrition deal

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack applauded a Senate agreement on child nutrition programs, saying the bipartisan deal would @maintain our commitment to science-based nutrition standards. The bill, which would reauthorize nutrition programs for five years, would ease ru
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Senate deal eases whole grains, sodium standards

A bipartisan Senate agreement on school meal standards would lower the whole grain requirement and delay for two years additional reductions in sodium limits. Another change in a child nutrition reauthorization bill that the Senate Agriculture Committee will consider next week also could resul
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Republicans force Obama to veto anti-WOTUS measure

Congressional Republicans have set the stage for President Obama to issue an election-year veto to preserve his administration s Clean Water Act rule that is widely unpopular with farm groups. In a largely symbolic gesture, the House on Wednesday gave final congressional approval
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