Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, July 14, 2024

Articles by Philip Brasher

House rules change could ease federal land transfers

A change in House budgetary rules could make it easier for states or local governments to gain control of federal lands. The new rule, pushed by Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop, would mean that transfers of federal lands to local and state governments would no longer require a sp
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Senate vets nominees, while ag waits for USDA pick

President-elect Donald TrumpÐs search for an agriculture secretary drags on. His inauguration is just nine days away and there has been mostly silence from the Trump transition on the search process over the past week. Speculation abounded last week that former Georgia Gov. So
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for January 11, 2017

Donald Trump, Sonny Perdue, Robert Aderholt, Javier Palomarez, Abel Maldonado, Andrew Pudzer, Debbie Stabenow, Labor Department, Pat Roberts, Ronald Regan, Robert Lighthizer, conservation linkage, Kevin Paap, Jimmy Panetta, Sam Farr
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for January 6, 2017

Donald Trump, Kip Tom, Chuck Conner, Mitch Daniels, Mike Pence, Jim Banks, Scott Pruitt, Chuck Grassley, Pat Roberts, Joni Ernst, EPA, RFS, Secretary Tom Vilsack, Margin Protection Program, Jim Mulhern, U.S. Dairy Export Council
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for January 5, 2017

Chairman Pat Roberts, Sean Spicer, Sonny,Perdue, Scott Pruitt, RFS, John Thune, Rhea Suh, Natural Resources Defense Council, Rex Tillerson, Ryan Zinke, Rick Perry, David Goldston, CFTC, Mike Conaway, Dan Newhouse, Genscape, RINs
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Trump still mum on pick for Ag Secretary

Donald Trump takes office in just over two weeks and we still don0t know who his agriculture secretary is going to be. Last week, it appeared that Trump planned to select a Hispanic for the post, either former Texas Rep. Henry Bonilla or former Texas A&M University Presiden
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