Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, October 19, 2024


President Donald Trump

Trump signs off on China tariffs despite ag fears of retaliation

President Donald Trump today signed off on a plan to punish China for years of stealing intellectual property by imposing about $60 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese goods. The move came despite a growing chorus of warnings from Capitol Hill and farm groups that China will retaliate by taxing or blocking U.S. agricultural goods.
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Mike Conaway

Conaway ready to move farm bill without Democrats

House Agriculture Chairman Mike Conaway said he is “going forward” with moving a new farm bill next month despite the refusal of Democrats to negotiate over provisions expanding work requirements and reworking eligibility rules for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
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Happy Ag Day 2018!

Happy National Agriculture Day! Farmers, ranchers and rural communities across the country are marking the occasion with the simple goal of helping consumers understand where the food they eat came from and how the fiber and renewable resource products they use are made.
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