Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 28, 2024



Wind business booming with construction and advanced pipeline

WASHINGTON, Nov. 1, 2017 - The roster of U.S. wind projects under construction and in advanced development as of the end of the third quarter of 2017 reached 29,634 megawatts (MW), the highest level since the statistic was first measured at the beginning of 2016, according to a new report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).
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ACE challenges oil industry claims that RIN values drive fuel prices higher

WASHINGTON, Nov. 1, 2017 - Following a recent announcement that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would reject petitions to move the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) point of obligation and not allow Renewable Identification Number credits (RINs) for exported ethanol, RINs are trading higher and ethanol opponents have renewed efforts to characterize RINs as driving fuel prices higher.
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Farm Hands on the Potomac...Nov. 1, 2017

WASHINGTON, Nov. 1, 2017 - The White House says President Trump plans to appoint Eddie Joe Williams of Arkansas to serve as the federal representative to the Southern States Energy Board.
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Greg Ibach

Ibach confirmed to USDA post

WASHINGTON, Oct. 26, 2017 - The Senate on Thursday confirmed a second new undersecretary for the Agriculture Department, Nebraska Agriculture Director Greg Ibach, who will oversee the department’s marketing and regulatory programs.
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