Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 08, 2024


Trump and Xi Jinping

New US-China talks follow 17 months of chaos

The trade war between the U.S. and China could go on for months or years, according to erratic statements from the White House, but for the first time in weeks, there is renewed optimism because China has agreed to new negotiations.
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2019 flooded crop field

USDA rolls out 2018, 2019 disaster aid

The Agriculture Department will provide larger disaster-aid payments for losses in 2018 than for 2019 and will offer prevent-plant bonus payments of up to 15% for farmers who were unable to seed crops this spring due to the heavy Midwest flooding, according to rules announced Monday.
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US-China talks

US-China talks to resume in October

Top U.S. and Chinese negotiators will meet in Washington next month to pick up on talks to try to end the trade war that is weighing heavily on U.S. farmers and manufacturers, according to Xinhua News, a Chinese government-run media outlet.
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