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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Monday, January 13, 2025
The Obama administration released its final rule on ozone levels Thursday, tightening the air quality standard for smog-causing pollution that threatens public health, but also prompting criticism from the agriculture sector and manufacturers.
A U.S. District Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by a coalition of consumer, environmental, and animal rights groups that could have made it easier for those groups to get information on livestock operations and their owners.
A group of evangelical Christian leaders have launched an effort to educate people in the pews on a biblical imperative to take care of animals, including in agriculture. The initiative, called Every Living Thing, launched Wednesday with the release of a statement signed by top eva
Key lawmakers are pressing the Obama administration to make sure any final Trans-Pacific Partnership deal addresses the concerns of U.S. industry, including the dairy sector.
Dairy is one of the remaining key issues to be settled in the 12-nation negotiations this
United Fresh, a trade group that represents more than 1,200 produce growers, processors, shippers, retailers, and marketers, wrapped up its annual conference in Washington, Wednesday by taking their concerns to Capitol Hill.
With just hours to spare, Congress averted a government shutdown by passing a stopgap spending bill to fund operations to Dec. 11. Fiscal 2016 starts Thursday, but Congress has been unable to agree on any of the 12 appropriations bills that fund agencies.
Republican senators used a congressional hearing Wednesday to press an Army representative for an explanation on why the Corps of Engineers opted to support the Environmental Protection Agency°s Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule despite opposition in some internal memos
The viruses that appeared in the U.S. in the spring of 2013 and killed millions of piglets may have entered the country in so-called Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers, essentially very big bags used to transport sand for flood control, soybeans and all kinds of bulk materia