Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 20, 2024

News Articles

White House notifies Congress TPP is coming

The White House took a procedural step toward putting the Trans-Pacific Partnership before Congress, one day after Hillary Clinton made clear that she would oppose congressional approval of the trade pact during a lame duck session. The U.S. Trade RepresentativeÀs office p
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Dairy farmers seek $150 M in aid from USDA

The National Milk Producers Federation is asking USDA to spend between $100 million and $150 million to buy cheese off the market to help out dairy farmers who are suffering from record low prices, weak exports and strong domestic supplies.
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AFBF asks USDA for more aid for dairy farmers

The American Farm Bureau Federation is asking USDA to provide emergency assistance to U.S. dairy farmers @ including purchasing millions of pounds of cheese for government nutrition programs @ to help producers in the face of plummeting farm-level milk prices and cash receipts
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