Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, October 19, 2024


Why global food security matters

How often do you think about food security? It`s probably an issue that seldom crosses most Americans` minds. Most of us in the U.S. agriculture community have been inundated in recent years with articles asking questions along the lines of `will farmers be able to meet
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The Bridger-Teton National Forest

For almost thirty years, August has meant returning to Jackson, Wyoming, the Grand Teton National Park, the Bridger-Teton National Forest and the Yellowstone ecosystem. It is fishing, hiking, photography, reading under the aspens, the Grand Teton Music Festi
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How government can regain voters' confidence

The lead up to this yearPs election has shown almost total agreement on at least one topic. No, make that two topics. We arenPt pleased with the candidates for president, and wePve lost faith in our leaders and in the government they lead.
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2018 Farm Bill: What about CRP?

Although the presidential debates are ahead of us, the debate on increasing the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acreage cap has already begun. My concern is that we donÀt expand conservation on idle lands at the expense of environmental protection on working lands.
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Crop Insurance: Priority #1

No matter who wins this November`s presidential election, one of the first items facing a new Secretary of Agriculture will be developing a 2018 Farm Bill, a process sure to begin early in 2017. As we start that effort, its worth noting that for all its rich diversity, Amer
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The Global Food Security Act

The Global Food Security Act is intended to make the @Feed the Future@ program a permanent program, locked into statute. It is on the goal line in Congress thanks to bipartisan leadership and cooperation between both Agriculture Committees and the two Foreign Relations Committees
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