Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, October 19, 2024


Andrea Durkin

Water management for global trade in food

We need water for a variety of uses, but chief among them is to grow food. Seventy-one percent of water consumed globally is poured into crop and livestock production. Yet many agricultural producers live in water-stressed areas and the problem is growing worse.
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Gale Buchanan

Opinion: Time for USDA and Agricultural Research Community to Unite to Tackle Food and Ag Challenges

The USDA proposal to relocate the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and the Economic Research Service (ERS) out of the nation’s capital and to realign the ERS to report to the Office of the Chief Economist rather than to the Undersecretary for Research, Education, and Economics (REE) has created an unfortunate conflict between the US Department of Agriculture and the agricultural research community. While I am a retiree and speak only for myself, this is a fight that need not and should not be.

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T.A. Hawks

Opinion: Food Delivery is Good for SNAP Recipients

Imagine a single mother working multiple part time jobs, a grandparent living near a city and driving for a ridesharing company, or a widower picking up work on a farm or as a handyman. All of these people are working to support themselves or their family, but many still may be in need of assistance.
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Laura Batcha

Opinion: Let Organic Be Organic

More than 200 leaders from organic businesses, farms, and ranches of all sizes from all regions of the country are coming to Washington this week with one goal in mind: Repair the organic public-private partnership and halt the bureaucratic foot-dragging that is stymieing this vibrant industry.
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