Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, October 19, 2024


Moira Mcdonald

Opinion: Bipartisan fix for farmers is a win for clean water

Let’s just say it: I have always been a nerd. For non-nerds, this may not sizzle; but for those who understand the value of good farming for a better environment, this is going to be huge. This month, a bipartisan group of Senators worked together with the USDA to make a common sense fix on regulations for farmers, which will ultimately be a victory for clean water, cover crops (and nerds).
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Herring and Duvall

Opinion: To keep America first in agriculture, FDA must return to the table on gene editing

Last week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to calls from our community to reconsider its role in regulating gene editing technology in animal agriculture. Despite the Trump administration’s recent directive to streamline costly and overly burdensome regulations that inhibit innovation and investment, FDA maintains it is unwilling to cede any regulatory control of this important technology.
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Barb Glenn and Kendal Frazier

Opinion: How to make the new 'Waters of the US' definition last

For farmers and ranchers living under the uncertainty of the 2015 Waters of the United States rule, this year could bring relief to an ongoing state of regulatory confusion. Currently, the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers are reviewing over 600,000 public comments on a revised definition of WOTUS that aims to replace the detrimental 2015 rule.
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Margaret Myers

Opinion: China's agroindustrial interests in Latin America

Much attention has been focused of late on the implications for Latin America of the US-China trade war, including in the agricultural sector, where Brazil has seemingly benefitted from growing demand for its abundant soy. Recent tariffs have pushed China to intensify trading with Latin America, contributing to the expectation that Brazil will become the leading soybean exporter for 2019-20, a distinction previously held by the US.
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Shea and Lohr

Opinion: USDA agencies team up to take on feral swine

A September 2006 outbreak of E.coli in 26 states that sickened more than 200 people and led to the deaths of three may have been caused by feral swine roaming on a central California spinach farm, according to a study published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Emerging Infectious Diseases journal.
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Blake Hurst

Opinion: Let’s be honest: Our tragic river management experiment has failed

Twitter-transmitted pictures of spring 2019 in the Midwest have made my feed a stream of continuous heartbreak. Video after video of flooded fields and homes, stuck tractors, ruined crops, with pictures of tornado damage serving as the visual exclamation point to the slow-moving disaster that we’re living in the central part of the nation. We’ve have several hundred acres under water on our farm, our fields are dotted with wet spots and ruts, and we’re the fortunate ones, given what I see on my social media feed. It is a helpless feeling to watch as farmers and homeowners throughout the Midwest suffer from this disaster of historic proportions.
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Nathan L. Rudgers

Opinion: We've failed at the old way; It's time to try something new(ER)

We in agriculture need to confront a painful fact. A noble goal, which many of us have pursued for years, decades and in some cases generations, has for the most part failed. Who among us has not attended an ag-industry meeting over the years and either said, or at least heard, a plea for “agriculture to speak with one voice,” rather than fragment into divisive segments in the face of one challenge or another?
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