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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Saturday, March 08, 2025
(This is the fourth article in our new Agri-Pulse series: “The seven things you should know before you write the next farm bill.” Each segment provides important background and “lessons learned” that can help inform and stimulate debate before formal work starts on writing the next farm bill.)
WASHINGTON, Mar. 8, 2017 - Does subsidizing farmers lower food costs? Modern farm programs aren’t supposed to affect farmers’ production decisions, and it’s been hard for policy makers to argue that farm programs save consumers money.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 8, 2017 - With backing from President Trump, House Republicans are preparing to push through legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that would have broad implications for farmers and small businesses.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 8, 2017 - For agricultural groups, membership meetings in the months leading up to a new farm bill can be peppered with fiery dialogue about the best path forward to fix the current legislation. At last week’s Commodity Classic, that didn’t happen.
WASHINGTON, March 5, 2017 – The first 2017 detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a commercial U.S. flock has been confirmed in Tennessee.
WASHINGTON, March 5, 2017 - The Senate is taking the final congressional step this week to kill the Obama administration’s overhaul of the way the Bureau of Land Management makes land-use decisions.
WASHINGTON, March 4, 2017 – American agriculture lost one of its staunchest advocates and most gifted leaders this morning with the passing of former Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter, age 86, after a four-year battle with metastatic colon cancer.
SAN ANTONIO, March 3, 2017 - As Congress begins to work seriously on crafting a new farm bill, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway said today that when it comes to budget cuts, “we gave at the office.”