Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, October 28, 2024



Farm bill negotiators eye lame duck for deal

The four lead farm bill negotiators failed to reach a deal in time to avert Sunday’s expiration of the 2014 law, but they emerged from a one-hour meeting Wednesday to say they are committed to finalizing an agreement that Congress can consider following the mid-term elections. 
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Hereford cow

Commodity program dispute stalls farm bill

With the new farm bill likely stalled until after the November mid-term elections, one of the biggest disputes still to be ironed out is a provision in the House farm bill that would end commodity program payments for acreage on which farmers haven’t been growing program crops.
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NAFTA flags

Pressure mounts for NAFTA deal with Canada

Yet another deadline is looming for U.S. and Canadian negotiators this week as they struggle to find compromises for a deal to make the North American Free Trade Agreement whole again and avert the unknown territory of trying to convert a three-party pact into a two-party accord.
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