Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 01, 2024


Sanders speaking at Iowa Organic forum 12052019

Candidates tackle farm economy with climate focus

Agricultural policy has seldom received as much attention as it has in this presidential campaign as Democrats vie for ways to cut into President Donald Trump’s rural base and win Iowa’s first-in-the-nation’s caucuses amid heightened anxiety about the farm economy.
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CBD oil

CBD company hit with class-action lawsuit

Two consumers have filed a class-action lawsuit against a California CBD company for selling unapproved drugs, dietary supplements and foods, the latest in a series of suits that have hit the CBD industry since the Food and Drug Administration sent warning letters to 15 companies last month.
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Nancy Pelosi and USMCA House Democrats

Pelosi agrees to USMCA deal; vote may be next week

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leaders gave the green light on Tuesday to a revised U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement and, according to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, a floor vote on the new North American pact could get a floor vote next week.
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USMCA signing

USMCA moves closer to year-end deal

The Trump administration on Monday moved closer to getting a deal for its renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement as pressure increases from lawmakers and farm groups for a year-end ratification vote.
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