Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 29, 2024


biodiesel pump

Biofuel benefits at stake as GOP questions extenders

Biofuel producers find themselves in a discomforting, but all-too-familiar, situation again this year. Valuable tax incentives have been allowed to expire once again, and Republican tax writers are openly questioning whether those and other lapsed tax breaks should be allowed to die.
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Happy Ag Day 2018!

Happy National Agriculture Day! Farmers, ranchers and rural communities across the country are marking the occasion with the simple goal of helping consumers understand where the food they eat came from and how the fiber and renewable resource products they use are made.
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President Donald Trump and Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue

Trump using steel, aluminum tariffs as leverage for NAFTA deal

President Donald Trump’s plan to slap steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports isn’t just a way to prop up domestic producers – his ag secretary says it’s also leverage he’s going to use to get Canada and Mexico to agree to U.S. demands in the ongoing negotiations to rewrite the North American Free Trade Agreement.
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