Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, September 30, 2024


Chinese flag

No sign of avoiding China trade war

The U.S. and China are set to hit each other with tariffs on $34 billion worth of goods Friday and neither side is showing signs of changing course. That’s particularly concerning for the U.S. ag sector, the target of most of the tariffs China is preparing to levy on the U.S., and it has farm groups and lawmakers bracing for the worst.
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Panamax Vessel US Wheat

Farmers, ranchers brace for new Chinese tariffs

The multifront trade war erupting on all sides of the U.S., with allies and others alike, is reaching new heights this week. China is preparing to enact $34 billion worth of tariffs on Friday that have U.S. producers of everything from strawberries to beef bracing for a major disruption in exports.
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Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross

Senators’ frustrations rise with Trump’s tariffs

Republican and Democratic senators let loose Wednesday with scathing criticism for President Donald Trump’s escalating tariffs and tariff threats that are attracting retaliation from around the globe. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross tried to defend the tariffs at a Senate hearing, but most of the lawmakers appeared not to be swayed.
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SNAP will loom over farm bill negotiations

If history is a guide, there’s little chance Congress will enact a new farm bill this year. Congress hasn’t enacted a farm bill in the same year it was first introduced since 1990, which is what lawmakers are trying to do this year.
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