Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, September 30, 2024



Agri-Pulse Daybreak for Feb. 23, 2017

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23, 2017 - USDA’s 93rd annual Agricultural Outlook Forum kicks off today outside the nation’s capital. House Agriculture Chairman Mike Conaway will keynote the morning session, and the crowd will also hear from President Trump’s nominee for ambassador to China, Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad.
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Heartland Ag officials stress NAFTA’s benefits

WASHINGTON, Feb. 22, 2017 – The recent uncertainty surrounding the fate of the North American Free Trade Agreement under the Trump administration is spurring Kansas and Missouri officials to speak out in defense of the trade pact and highlight the ....
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Robot Milker

Farm robotics: Lots of progress but far from the finish line

WASHINGTON, Feb. 22, 2017 - In a display of both pop music talent and robotics advancement, Lady GaGa opened her flashy Super Bowl half-time show last month singing God Bless America while a computer choreographed 300 drones with red, white and blue LED lights in the sky to form a U.S. flag.
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