Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, September 30, 2024


NAFTA flags

NAFTA negotiations seen heating up in Ottawa

WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2017 - A lot of work to support agricultural trade got done during the second round of negotiations to rewrite the North American Free Trade Agreement last week in Mexico City, but those talks are expected to be tame compared to what’s to come in Ottawa and beyond as the negotiations build steam.
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Rice harvest

US rice mills want China to hurry up and seal the deal

WASHINGTON, Sept. 6, 2017 - China finally signed off on the sanitary and phytosanitary protocols to open its market to U.S. rice in July, but now America's farmers, millers and shippers are again waiting on the Chinese to finish the bureaucratic process that will allow exports to begin flowing.
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Lighthizer highlights ag in NAFTA talks

WASHINGTON, Sept. 6, 2017 - No details were released, but U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer highlighted agriculture as an area of success during the second round of talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement.
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