Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, September 30, 2024


Korean market

US ag: Leave us out of KORUS negotiations

U.S. and South Korean negotiators met all day last Friday in an effort to save the free trade agreement that unites the two countries. On the sidelines, the U.S. agriculture sector is desperately hoping the negotiators succeed so farmers and ranchers here can continue shipping more and more meat and grain to the Asian country.
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Ted McKinney, USDA

USDA’s McKinney says there will be no slowing down in 2018

Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea, Vietnam, Canada, Mexico, China, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are just some of the destinations where USDA's Ted McKinney will likely be getting his passport stamped as he works to build new relationships and rekindle existing ones in order to boost U.S. exports.
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