Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Tuesday, October 01, 2024


Port of Baltimore

US wants EU ag talks, but are they worth the trouble?

The Trump administration is adamant that agriculture and all of the divisive policies and regulations that go along with it should be included in trade talks with the Europeans, but success could mean a long and arduous battle at a time when a trade war with China is being fought and other potentially lucrative trade pacts are being negotiated.
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Cherry farmers strike back against imports

Michigan cherry farmers picked themselves up and got back into the orchards after a devastating frost seven years ago, but now they’re fighting a new kind of battle — one that many producers might not recover from if they lose.
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European Union

EU agrees to take more US beef

The European Union has agreed to assure the U.S. gets the lion’s share of its annual beef quota after months of negotiations and more than 20 years of friction over the subject of non-hormone beef trade.
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USMCA signing

US-Mexico rift far from over and still a trade threat

President Donald Trump is blurring the lines between immigration and trade by continuing to threaten Mexico with tariffs for its border security policies. Ag sectors in both countries fear the lingering tensions may weigh heavily on their businesses as well as the fate of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
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