Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Hog confinement barn

Meatpackers offer SCOTUS Prop 12 pushback

A trade association representing meatpackers is asking the highest court in the land to consider a new report in their fight to overturn California’s Proposition 12, arguing the law “provides no benefit to consumers and increases breeding sow mortality, according to the state’s own rule.”
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Ag labor

Farm labor law passes Colorado Senate

A new Colorado labor law, which includes specifics on overtime pay and the use of hand-weeding, has passed the Colorado Senate and will be heard by the House State, Civic, Military & Veterans Affairs Committee on Thursday, June 3.
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Farm workers

Washington extends overtime pay to farmworkers

Washington State will phase in mandatory overtime pay for agricultural workers. Gov. Jay Inslee has signed SB 5172 into law, triggering a multi-year process that will begin in 2022 with time-and-a-half for workers beginning after 55 hours in one week.
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