Articles Tagged with ''soybeans''


Updating base could help farm bill funding, but at political cost

WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2017 - As lawmakers are preparing to write the next farm bill, they're strapped for the cash they need to cover a long list of demands. One source of money is to require farmers to update their crop base acreage, which determines what they receive in commodity payments, but the idea would face significant political challenges.
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ASPB meeting, 9/21/17

Arkansas plant board recommends April 15 cutoff for dicamba use

WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, 2017 - The Arkansas State Plant Board has recommended that growers not be allowed to apply dicamba products from April 16 through Oct. 31 next year, effectively ruling out in-crop use of the herbicide. (Photo of plant board meeting courtesy of University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture)

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