Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 20, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''climate''


Daybreak March 3: Vilsack’s goal: Address impact of racism

In an interview with Agri-Pulse, Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack said he’s open to helping aspiring Black farmers acquire the acreage they need by tapping federal land holdings. Vilsack made clear that his goal as secretary is to address the impact of a legacy of discrimination against minority farmers. It’s no longer an issue of just compensating producers who were the victims of discrimination themselves.

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Tom Vilsack

Daybreak Feb 26: Vilsack keeping powder dry on climate plan

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack is meeting with climate advisers today as he moves ahead on what will be a top priority for his tenure. So far, he’s divulging little about the department’s plans or timetable for addressing the issue. But he does say USDA will be heavily focused on building a case for programs Congress could implement in the next farm bill, due in 2023.

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