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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Saturday, March 01, 2025
Former Iowa Ag Secretary and Trump administration USDA leader Bill Northey has died, leaving behind numerous family and friends and a legacy of farm policy leadership. He was 64.
The American Farm Bureau Federation may have to backtrack on its support for a livestock market reform bill after a pair of votes by delegates at its annual meeting Tuesday.
The 2019 version of the Trump administration’s Market Facilitation Program overestimated trade damages and was marked by regional payment disparities among farmers growing the same crops, according to an investigation by the Government Accountability Office.
Farm earnings are broadly expected to ease this year, although USDA's latest farm income forecast projects skyrocketing prices for key commodities will help offset a steep drop in government payments and increases in production costs.
Measures of farm income this year will reach their highest levels since 2013 and 2014 on the surge in government aid through coronavirus relief and trade assistance, the Agriculture Department says.
Producers in the central United States are being buoyed by a recent uptick in commodity prices and a swell of government payments, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City noted in a quarterly report Thursday, but some bankers are still worried.
The Trump administration is handing out so much money to farmers that the United States will blow through its spending limit under World Trade Organization rules for 2019 and likely 2020, potentially exposing U.S. farm programs to legal challenges, according to a new analysis.
President Donald Trump signs into law a $2 trillion economic stimulus package that includes $23.5 billion in aid to farmers and ranchers as well as marketing loan relief.
Congressional leaders have reached agreement on a $2 trillion economic rescue package that would replenish the Agriculture Department’s Commodity Credit Corp. authority and earmark additional money for livestock and specialty crop producers as well as local agriculture.