Articles Tagged with ''hurricane michael''

Iowa flooding

Disaster bill expanding, but future cloudy

The Senate is expanding a long-stalled disaster assistance bill to aid farmers and ranchers swamped by recent Midwest floods, but it’s still not clear when Congress will pass the legislation due to a dispute between the White House and House Democrats over funding for Puerto Rico.
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Cotton growers anxious as trade war lingers

Cotton growers have been patient with President Donald Trump’s trade war with China, by far their most important customer. After all, they’ve had their own frustrations with China for years. But cotton growers say that patience is running short as planting season nears.
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Hurricane Michael damage

Shutdown politics snags disaster aid

A supplemental appropriations bill that includes $3 billion in agricultural disaster aid passed the House over Republican opposition on Wednesday after Democrats attached a provision that would reopen the government without resolving the impasse with President Donald Trump.
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