Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, October 19, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Donald Trump''


US and Philippines take steps to improve ag trade

The Philippines, a country the Trump administration is considering for an eventual free trade accord, has reached new agreements with the U.S. to work on improving agricultural trade, according to an announcement today from the office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
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US and Japan flags

Anticipation builds for Japan free trade agreement

Now that the Trump administration has officially informed Congress that it intends to begin negotiations with Japan on a free trade agreement, anticipation is growing for a new deal that’s expected to significantly boost U.S. exports of beef, dairy, pork, rice and other commodities.
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Donald Trump

Trump announces E15 goals, but questions remain

President Donald Trump rolled out the administration’s plans to allow summer E15 sales on Tuesday. But now, the Environmental Protection Agency has to actually implement the regulation to make that happen, which could prove to be a vexing legal dilemma.
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Tariffs sour NAFTA deal for cheese makers

The successful renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement could turn out to be a hollow victory for some of the largest U.S. cheese companies if the Trump administration doesn’t pull back its steel and aluminum tariffs on Mexico.
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President Donald Trump

Trump doubles down on tariffs

The president revealed this week he has no intention of backing off the use of tariffs – not even with allies Mexico and Canada, who are retaliating with tariffs of their own on billions of dollars of U.S. agricultural goods.
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