Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 20, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Geoff Cooper''

Supreme Court

Supreme Court to hear biofuel waiver case

The Supreme Court will hear arguments on a case central to the Renewable Fuel Standard, the nation’s biofuel mandate, and efforts on the part of refiners to be exempted from federal blending requirements through the use of small refinery exemptions.
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Joe Biden

Daybreak Dec 1: Biden introducing economic team

President-elect Joe Biden continues to roll out his Cabinet picks, though there’s no word yet on key picks for agriculture, environment and trade. Today, he’ll introduce the members of his economic team, including Janet Yellen, who he intends to nominate for treasury secretary, and Neera Tanden, his pick to run the Office of Management and Budget, which has broad authority over the spending and regulatory matters.
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