Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 26, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''corn''


Future of US dairy trade to Canada remains uncertain after second USMCA dispute

The first thing U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack did after the U.S. lost its second USMCA dairy battle with Canada was vow to keep on fighting – reminiscent of statements released by U.S. lawmakers and U.S. dairy groups, but that fight may be at an end after two exhaustive legal fights that both ended in a decision by a three-member dispute panel.
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Port of Oakland aerial

USDA lowers forecast for FY 2024 US ag exports

The USDA’s Economic Research Service on Thursday lowered its forecast for U.S. agricultural exports in fiscal year 2024 to $169.5 billion. That’s down $2.5 billion from USDA’s previous forecast in August and down $9.2 billion from exports in FY 2023.

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Canadian company wants to show how Brazil can become a fertilizer giant

Brazil, a country that produces 42% of the world’s soybeans and 12% of its corn, is intrinsic to global food production, but all of that hinges on the South American nation’s ability to bring in billions of dollars’ worth of fertilizer from thousands of miles away. It’s a situation that Matt Simpson, CEO of the company Brazil Potash, said he wants to help change.
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Ukrainian wheat and corn stocks to build up as exports decline

Ukrainian farmers are producing more wheat and corn than expected in a war-torn country where seeds and inputs are difficult to come by and swaths of farmland are in occupied territory, but exports are on the decline again as Russia steps up its attacks on Ukraine’s beleaguered port facilities, according to a new analysis by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service.
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wind and solar

UN calls for new oversight of global ag traders

Volatile commodity markets are allowing international agricultural trading companies to rake in big profits in shadowy financial markets even as food insecurity increases in some of the most vulnerable regions of the globe, says a new analysis from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development that calls for regulations to rein in the excesses.

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