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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Tuesday, March 04, 2025
The House on Wednesday voted down an attack on federal checkoff programs led by a pair of Republicans who argued the farmer-funded research and promotion efforts fail to fully disclose how they spend their revenue.
Members of key House Republican groups reached agreement Sunday on a month-long stop-gap spending bill tied to tougher border security measures, but a government shutdown is still possible when the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1, since the Democratic-controlled Senate would be certain to reject the measure.
House Republican leaders gave up trying to pass the fiscal 2024 Agriculture funding bill ahead of the August recess after they were unable to satisfy demands from a band of hard-line conservatives who are seeking deeper cuts in spending.
House Republican leaders have been struggling to get the votes to move a partisan fiscal 2024 funding bill for USDA and FDA ahead of the long summer recess, raising fresh doubts about how soon lawmakers can start working on the farm bill this fall.
A task force advising the upcoming White House hunger conference issued recommendations Tuesday that call on the government to require nutrition labeling on the front of food packages, ease SNAP eligibility rules and make school meals free to all students regardless of income.
The Senate Agriculture Committee is expanding its membership with three new Democrats, who could give the committee a push to the left on some issues, including climate policy.
A bipartisan farm bill that would protect crop insurance and commodity programs as well as nutrition assistance from cuts passed the Senate by an overwhelming margin, 86-11, clearing the way for negotiations to begin next month with the House.
Republican leaders desperate to push through a partisan farm bill through the House that overhauls the food stamp program are heading off attempts to cut crop insurance or tighten commodity payment limits.