Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, October 19, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Andrew Wheeler''

Sonny Perdue and Andrew Wheeler

Perdue, EPA offer differing E15 timelines

Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue told the House Agriculture Committee today that the Environmental Protection Agency won’t wrap up rulemaking for summertime E15 sales in time for the summer driving season. But the EPA isn’t so sure.
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Andrew Wheeler

Wheeler pushing to get E15 rule done by summer

But shutdown could delay regulations, he tells Senate panel
EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler plans to issue a rule allowing year-round use of E15 by the summer driving season, provided the government shutdown ends in a “reasonable” length of time.
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Waters of the U.S. signing ceremony

Farm groups cheer, enviros slam new WOTUS proposal

EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers announced their new “waters of the U.S.” proposal Tuesday at an event that attracted dozens of farmers and industry leaders who had long sought straightforward definitions that allowed farmers to more clearly decide how to operate on their lands.
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