Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''usda''

Herring and Duvall

Opinion: To keep America first in agriculture, FDA must return to the table on gene editing

Last week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to calls from our community to reconsider its role in regulating gene editing technology in animal agriculture. Despite the Trump administration’s recent directive to streamline costly and overly burdensome regulations that inhibit innovation and investment, FDA maintains it is unwilling to cede any regulatory control of this important technology.
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Plant-based foods get shout-out at DGAC meeting

Advocates of plant-based diets, including several people who claimed they had improved their health significantly by adopting them, showed up in force Thursday to make the case that the federal government should radically modify its nutritional advice. 
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