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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
The Archer Daniels Midland Company has sold and shipped 20 metric tons of U.S. rice to China, according to the USA Rice Federation and government officials.
The Department of Agriculture’s second effort at easing the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic has distributed more than half its intended funding.
The Trump administration is claiming success in the “phase one” trade deal with China with a new report released less than two weeks before the presidential election.
The Department of Agriculture will funnel another $500 million to the Farmers to Families Food Box Program and plans to issue contracts for the fourth round of the program by the end of next week.
The Department of Agriculture has finalized a rule making soil health, comprehensive nutrient management plan, and advanced payment changes to the Environmental Quality Incentives Program.
Negotiations on a major new coronavirus relief package remain alive, but with the election less than two weeks away, Senate Republicans see little chance of passing a deal before a lame duck session in November or December at the earliest.
Online retail giant Amazon is the newest “champion” of a government challenge to reduce operational food loss and waste by more than 50% by 2030, USDA and EPA jointly announced Friday.
Landowners and producers enrolled in 21.9 million acres of the Conservation Reserve Program should begin receiving $1.68 billion in annual rental payments, the Department of Agriculture said Thursday.
Another large Chinese purchase of U.S. corn announced Wednesday by USDA shows the country’s recent surge in buying continues as it rebuilds its swine herd and grows its poultry sector.
Some big 2021 unknowns persist, including how COVID-19 will continue to disrupt markets and demand, whether government payments will continue to be robust and whether or not U.S. farmers can pivot to gathering more of their income from the marketplace.