Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 01, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''USTR''


Senators warn of blowback from Mexico blueberry investigation

An unlikely pair of senators – Democrat Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Republican Jerry Moran of Kansas – is urging U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to avoid letting his investigations into imports of blueberries and other produce from Mexico disrupt trade flows that are already strained because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Vilsack after being announced as ag secy pick

Biden, Vilsack emphasize racial equity

President-elect praises his picks for USDA and USTR
Tom Vilsack pledged to act quickly to tackle racial issues at the Agriculture Department and joined President-elect Joe Biden in promising that climate change would be a top policy priority for USDA.
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Katherine Tai

Biden taps China trade expert as USTR

President-elect Joe Biden has tapped a China expert to be his U.S. Trade Representative, reflecting the most pressing trade issue his administration will face on day one – the ongoing trade war with the Asian economic powerhouse.
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Canadian Flag

US challenges Canada’s dairy quotas under USMCA

After months of complaints from U.S. dairy farmers, the Trump administration took the first step Wednesday in challenging Canada’s implementation of new tariff rate quotas. The two countries will now begin consultations under dispute rules laid out in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which could lead to the formation of an official dispute panel.
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Chinese flag

China relishing RCEP trade pact victory

China is celebrating the signing of what will be the world’s largest trade pact, which includes 15 countries representing 30% of global GDP, pushing international trade to the forefront as President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take office in January.
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