Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 26, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''sorghum''

Donald Trump and Mike Conaway

Bitter House race pits Trump against farm groups

An upcoming run-off election in one of the nation’s largest agricultural districts has produced a confrontation, with Texas’ colorful and controversial ag commissioner, Sid Miller, and President Donald Trump on one side, and major state and national farm groups on the other.
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Chinese flag

The US can sell billions more in ag to China

President Donald Trump and White House officials insist that China will be buying $40 billion to 50 billion worth of U.S. agricultural products annually over the next couple of years, if the countries nail down a trade deal in the coming weeks, but the question is whether U.S. farmers, processors and exporters could meet that challenge.
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Sulfoxaflor gets EPA approval for host of new crops

The Environmental Protection Agency has approved the insecticide sulfoxaflor for use on corn, cotton, sorghum and citrus, as well as other crops, the agency announced Friday, saying it had concluded the chemical posed no significant risk to bees and that alternatives to the chemical are worse for the environment.
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