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Articles Tagged with ''Center for Biological Diversity''

Scott Pruitt

Import of EPA ‘sue and settle’ directive is far from settled

WASHINGTON, Nov. 1, 2017 - For years, industry groups have complained that the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies give in too easily when sued by environmental groups. Too often, these critics say, the executive branch is quick to reach agreements with the litigants to perform tasks by a specific date, whether it be meeting a Clean Air Act deadline or deciding whether a certain plant or animal species should be listed as endangered – a practice pejoratively known as “sue and settle.”
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New dicamba restrictions for next year

WASHINGTON, Oct. 13, 2017 – EPA has added new conditions for dicamba use in the 2018 growing season in response to widespread damage to soybeans attributed to the herbicide this year. The changes, which were proposed by manufacturers, will allow continued “over the top” use of the herbicide on cotton and soybeans in 34 states.
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gray wolf

House bills seek changes in species law

WASHINGTON, July 19, 2017 - Bills to delist gray wolves in the Great Lakes region, give states a larger role in listing imperiled species and cap attorney fees awarded to Endangered Species Act litigants were the subjects of debate at a House Natural Resources Committee hearing today.
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