Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, October 19, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Don Parrish''


Farm groups, enviros at odds over EPA/Corps WOTUS proposal

The Trump administration’s proposed new definition of “Waters of the United States” in the Clean Water Act is either a radical policy shift that misinterprets Supreme Court precedent and will leave up to 70 percent of tributaries and half the nation’s wetlands unprotected, or it’s a constitutionally valid approach to regulating the nation’s waters that preserves the states’ lead role over water pollution control and land use planning.
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New WOTUS rule projected for September 2019

The Environmental Protection Agency continues to estimate that it will have a new WOTUS rule by next September, but meeting that target date may be difficult. The timeline is according to the government's latest agenda for regulatory action.
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Process to create new WOTUS rule bogged down

When Scott Pruitt appeared last June before House appropriators to discuss the budget proposal for his agency, he made a bold pronouncement: “We will have a final rule that will provide a definition for ‘waters of the United States’ by the fourth quarter of this year, no later than the first quarter of next year, because that’s the job of the agency.”
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